Counterfeit Policy
City Special Metals realises that there is a global issue relating to counterfeit products/materials entering the Supply Chain.
To protect our customers and CSM, CSM has implemented a proactive and comprehensive counterfeit prevention policy for our metal purchases entering or leaving our storage facilities as follows: –
Where suspected counterfeit material is received or when customers require chemical composition analysis, we own and use XRF Technology and to analyse material to ensure that the material meets the stated Chemical Specification.
- CSM maintains a QMS certified to AS9120.
- CSM purchases metals from approved sources where ever possible.
- CSM’s contract/purchase orders with suppliers make clear the following:
- that CSM’s requires its suppliers to provide full documented traceability to the mill where ever possible.
- that counterfeit material has no value and if received payment will not be made.
- counterfeit material will not be returned to the supply chain.
Counterfeit material may be held to support legal investigations
- Employees are made aware of the possible consequences of releasing counterfeit material, the need to be vigilant when handling material and/or reading material certificates so that anything suspicious (appearance/feel/cutting characteristics/dubious amendments to certificates) is reported to management for action and quarantining of the material/certificates.
- CSM will report to the DTI (UK) all incidences of counterfeit material being received.
Quality Policy.
The company’s strategic objectives listed below and performance against each is reviewed annually at the Management Review Meeting: –
- To ensure the continued operation of a viable and profitable business.
- To maintain a competitive capability to provide customers with the products and services they want when they want them.
- Continuous improvement towards attaining a standard performance of Zero defects and on-time delivery through effective control of all business processes.
The company recognises that satisfying interested parties’ as well as customers’ requirements is vital to realising these objectives and that it has to identify and supply the resources necessary to achieve the desired outcomes, whilst at the same time observing any relevant statutory and regulatory measures. In order to achieve satisfaction and the required outcomes, the company has adopted, and is committed to the operation of an effective Management System; this system plans for quality by ensuring that the necessary activities are undertaken to defined procedures and work instructions. The Management Systems Manual is designed to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and AS 9120 B. To ensure continuing suitability of the Management Systems and the resources employed, activity results in all areas are continually monitored, analysed and reviewed for effectiveness and for performance improvement opportunities. Top management recognise the need to ensure through effective communication, training and practice that each employee understands this Quality Policy, the Objectives of the Company, its strategic direction and their individual responsibility to support the quality objectives and adhere to the designated processes and work instructions. The above statement, which has been prepared as a company commitment, has been adopted by the undersigned as a personal commitment to the operation of an effectively managed business.
This Quality Manual including the Quality Policy has been developed by the management team and is approved/authorised by the Managing Director: – 18/09/2019
Environmental Policy
City Special Metals Ltd is committed to the protection of the environment and we are responsible for minimizing the impact we have on it. This commitment extends to all our activities, which have the potential to affect the environment.
We aim to reduce environmental harm, minimise the use of energy and other resources and ensure that the principles of sustainable development are operated throughout our activities.
Through this policy we commit our company to:
Reduce and, where reasonably practicable, eliminate any adverse impact on the environment arising from the activities of our business.
Minimise the use of energy, resources consumed and waste produced whilst undertaking our business activities in a safe and professional manner.
Support the re-use and recycling of materials and ensure the safe and legal disposal of all wastes arising from the activities of the business.
Comply with and, wherever possible, exceed the environmental requirements of appropriate legislative bodies and our customers.
We all have a personal responsibility for working in an environmentally friendly manner; the involvement and participation of everyone will be actively sought and encouraged.
Health & Safety Policy
City Special Metals Ltd has a legal requirement to produce, and revise as necessary, a Health and Safety Policy. Our Health and Safety Policy forms a significant part of our Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) including:
- Our commitment to managing Health and Safety
- Our policies
- Our procedures
- Responsibilities for Health and Safety
Monitoring and reviewing activities to ensure the effectiveness of our HSMS
In addition, we will always do our best to:
- Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impact into all of our decision making activities.
- Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Reduce waste through re-use and recycling and by purchasing recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical and suitable.
- Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our facility including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable.
- Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products, seek substitutions when feasible, and take all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment when such materials must be used, stored and disposed of.
- Purchase and use environmentally responsible products where appropriate.
- Where required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programme.
- Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it.
- Strive to continually improve our environmental performance and minimise the social impact and damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in light of our current and planned future activities.